It’s good to give
It’s good to give.
It’s good to give back. We don’t need to tell anyone that.
But no matter how much we’d like to, we can’t help everyone. So, who, out of all the worthy causes in the nation should we help? A good and logical place to start is by helping those who help us. By giving back to those who give to us.
It might be our local church, or our local school or the kids’ sporting club, or we can donate goods to op shops. We can give money or time, or preferably both, if we can.

One organisation we support is The Children’s Medical Research Foundation Jeans for Genes. We support them personally and individually by donating money. As a business we support them by using this blog and other social media forums to promote them. And we support them by providing printed material to our family and friends who get behind them, too.
You might wonder how they help us, what they have given us. They give us hope. Hope that our kids living with genetic disease will have a bright future. There have been amazing advances in gene therapy because of ongoing, well funded research. We’ll take this hope. And did you know that, for example, kids with cystic fibrosis have a much better quality of life these days? Thanks largely to campaign efforts such as Jeans for Genes.

The medical and biological research undertaken by CMRI is fundamentally important. But this research is not possible without considerable dollars. They’re committed for the long haul. Let’s support them so they can speed things up!
The team at CMRI do an amazing job, which is why every year there’s an almighty and fantastic media blitz! We support that! And we’re really proud to tell everyone that some of our family appear in this year’s Jeans for Genes campaign. So be on the look out for them – two of them are really, really cute!
Please, if you’ve been touched, or indeed helped, in any way by The Children’s Medical Research Institute, give generously.