Yes, we print!
This is a printing office

I love this little prose poem. Yes, the writer confers a nobility on printing which is removed from the daily slog of the modern printing trade. But, poetic license aside, it’s stirring stuff.
Beatrice L. Warde was an American typographic expert, author and lover of fine printing who obviously held the field in high esteem. But to connect printing with crossroads of civilisation is going a bit far, right?
Maybe not.
The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenburg some 600 years ago really was revolutionary. A milestone of society. The mass printing of the Bible led to the Reformation.
Prior to that pioneering development, only a select minority had access to the written text. Or any other text.
“The most important thing about printing,” wrote Warde, “is that it conveys thought, ideas, images, from one mind to other minds.” ~ from The Crystal Goblet, or Printing Should Be Invisible.
The mass transmission of thoughts, ideas and images began with printing!
Mass communication did not exist before the printing press
People take printing for granted, but it was, in many ways, the forerunner of the electronic devices we use today. With the advent, long ago, of personal computers, desk top publishing heralded the demise of print. Later on, the internet signalled much the same. Thankfully, for us, it hasn’t happened. Why hasn’t printing died out? Printed media is tactile, allowing consumers to interact with it in a way they can’t with a digital medium. Consider labels, cartons, posters – all tangible, all printable, all create instant engagement with people. How often do we find instructions or recipes online and print them to read because it’s just so much more convenient? More often than not I’d say. The same applies for lengthy online content, and important emails such as accounts payable and receivable. Digital delivery may save time and money, but hitting the print button creates a concrete reminder, which can be filed for later use. And no batteries, restarts, and updates are required.